Wednesday 19 September 2012

The toilet 'training' of a two year old . . .

I am not sure if I really like the word 'training' when it comes to learning how to use the toilet or potty. Isn't toilet training what you do with dogs and cats? I much prefer learning how to control your bladder or recognising the urge to urinate or defecate! Training children to do something has never sat well with me! I didn't train them how to sleep, I didn't train them how to eat, so why do we call it toilet 'training'?

Also the thought of being stuck in the house for two weeks while they are 'trained' to use the toilet doesn't exactly thrill me! I know of parents who do that and all I think is 'you are crazy!!!' Wait until they are ready! As proven by a lovely friend of mine her little girl decided one day she was wearing knickers and would use the toilet/potty, she hasn't had to spend one day in the house toilet 'training'! Yes the occasional wet pair of pants but lets face what two year old doesn't have accidents! 

But this brings us back to our two year old who is stubbornly refusing to use the toilet, not that we put any pressure on her, when she is ready she will do it. The last few weeks she has been asking to use the toilet for the occasional poo/wee, she is ready if we wanted to 'train' her, obviously we don't/won't do it that way. 

This morning though she told us she wanted to use the toilet, so excitedly Daddy offered to take her to which she replied 'no toilet Daddy, its yucky and dirty, the chocolate goes down it and round and round. . . . and feeds the spiders . . . . . .' Well we obviously need to stop saying the toilet is dirty when she puts her hand down it! lol! But we also need to make clear that it definitely not chocolate that is going down it! 

The joys of children! They are awesome!!

♥ Hope ~ Courage ~ Faith ~ Strength ♥

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